Portfolio Makeover Week 2021
November 8-12
Thanks for your interest. The submission period is now closed.
Starting November 8th, join Christine Benz on Morningstar.com to learn about the real-life before and after of five investors navigating their way through various life stages. See the details of their stories and uncover ideas and resources you can apply to your portfolio makeover.
In the meantime, listen to Christine Benz and Susan Dziubinski discuss key lessons from the last year's Portfolio Makeover Week.
*All submissions must be received by 10/08/2021 for consideration. If we decide to profile your portfolio in our upcoming series, Morningstar director of personal finance Christine Benz will follow up with a request for additional details about your portfolio and your situation. Names and other potentially identifying details in selected makeovers will be changed to protect the investors' privacy. Makeovers are not intended to be individualized investment advice, but rather to illustrate possible portfolio strategies that investors should consider in the full context of their own financial situations.