We’re proud to share that Morningstar is now a signatory of the Women in Finance Charter, a pledge by the UK Government and more than 350 firms to increase gender balance across the financial services industry. We were one of 21 new Charter signatories announced in July in London.
What is the Women in Finance Charter?
The charter asks financial services firms to commit to implementing 4 key industry actions to address unequal gender representation:
Appoint one member of the senior executive team who is responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion
Set and publish internal targets for gender diversity in senior management
Publish progress annually against these targets in reports on their website
Have an intention to ensure the pay of the senior executive team is linked to the delivery against these gender diversity targets
Click on the image to watch a video from HM Treasury about the Charter.
What Are Our Next Steps?
Morningstar's senior management in the UK is currently 26%. Our aim is to have 30% female senior management by 2023. We aim to achieve this target by developing internal talents, examining the style of job ads, recruiting from a wider range of channels and with a more diverse recruiting panel..